Spectra Award Winners

On April 1st, 2019, 23 male and female Spectra athletes spent the morning with over 400 Thames Valley Children’s Center students, their teachers, families and various organizations across London.  The TVCC aims to assist their clients to be their best! TVCC serves more than 9000 children, youth and their families every year through a wide range of services. This year our Beyond Disability Winners were Alex Fraser and Dylan Hillier, both student-athletes at Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School. 

Each graduating year two exceptional student athletes from the London and Middlesex area are recognized with the Spectra Award. Each $1000 bursary is given to the winners of the award. Spectra stands for Sportsmanship, Participation, Excellence, Character, Teamwork, Respect and Achievement.

The finalists this year for each award were:


  1. Evan Burke (winner)
  2. Nader Elshawish
  3. Michael Roberts


  1. Julia Gosling (winner)
  2. Caitlyn Jacob
  3. Rebecca Dekay

The evening was a great success with the everyone from the London community coming together to support the TVCC.  

Posted by mlange